In all over Madhya Pradesh,Mechatronics is only available in Dhar Polytechnic College.In this department,there are many state of the art labs such as FMS Robotic lab,CNC lab,CAD lab,control lab.
Industries response to this branch has been very good.Mechatonics is a relatively new approach which is centered on mechanics,electronics,computing,control engineering which combined,make possible the generation of simpler more economical,reliable and versatile systems.
In this course duration of 4 years diploma,students also gets practical training during 5th and 8th semester.our vision is to train the students in the practical field of advanced mechnical engineering subjects.The department is having a dedicated and experienced faculty.


Shri Mukesh Kataria(Lecturer (Selection grade) (deputed in P.E.B. Bhopal)

Qualification : B.E. M.TECH.

Specilized Subject : NA

Experience : NA

Email-id : NA

Contact no. : NA


Mr. Rajendra karole (Lecturer)

Qualification : B.E. M.Tech.(Pursuing)

Specilized Subject : NA

Experience : NA

Email-id : NA

Contact no. : NA